Thursday, 31 January 2019


In unserem Arbeitsschutz Onlineshop finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Arbeitsschutzbekleidung & Schutzausrüstung für Industrie & Produktionsstätten. Dazu zählen unter anderem: Sicherheitsschuhe, Gehörschutz, Atemschutz, Gesichtsschutz, Arbeitsmatten, Instandhaltungstücher, Chemische Sorptionsmittel, Industriehelme u. Anstoßkappen, PSA gegen Absturz und viel mehr. 

Ab einem Einkaufswert von 100 € versenden wir die bestellte Ware versandkostenfrei.Sollten Sie Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns unter: +43 720 975 452 oder senden Sie uns eine Anfrage. Wir helfen gerne weiter!
Viel Spaß beim Onlineshoppen!

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

I Know the Write Way To Make You Look Brilliant

My name is Cornelia Amiri and I’m a creative, multi-published author with 18 years of professional experience, who is known for impeccable research and powerful writing. I’m a great person to work with when it comes to ghostwriting because I’m a good listener and passionate about helping people tell their stories in their own voice.
  • If you are not a professional writer or
  • Don’t want to put in all the hard work of writing a book at a professional level or
  • Can’t put aside all the long hours it takes to write a book 
I write the book you author – in your voice – so you can share what you need to with others 
  • Expert Writer – Learned, Developed, And Honed My Writing Skills
  • With 18 Years of Professional Experience
  • I’ve worked With Traditional and Indie Publishing
  • I’ve written 35 published Fiction Books 
  • I’ve Ghostwritten 2 Nonfiction Memoirs and 1 Business Book
Memoir Writing: I help you share your impactful stories—your inspiration and life lessons to let others know they are not alone and can overcome the same things you did for a happy productive life 
Business Writing: I assist entrepreneurs and corporate leaders in growing their businesses by getting their messages across through copywriting and by sharing their expertise by writing blog post, articles and business books.
Fiction Writing: Having written 35 published fiction books in my name, I work with you on creating your fiction books
  • I Provide Any Interviews or Research Needed,
  • I Keep Your Memoir on Theme,
  • I Provide Three Revisions,
  • And, The Finished Manuscript by A Professional Writer, Authored by You And Ready To Move Forward With The Publishing Process Whether Submitting To Publisher, Agent, Or For Self-Publishing. 
When I was six, I made a little booth with a card table, like a lemonade stand. But instead of drinks, I sold books I created. I wrote them in pencil on ruled paper, drew the illustrations and cover art with crayons, and stapled them together. I started out a 5¢ a book, but it was only when I lowered the price down to free a little boy in my class came by on his bicycle and took them all. All these years later, I’m still writing books. However, I now use a computer instead of pencils, crayons, and ruled paper. Also, to be honest, my price has gone up considerably from 5¢. 
But I’d be glad to chat with you about pricing and the ghostwriting services I offer at or you can call me at 832-588-1970. 

Friday, 25 January 2019

Auto insurance modesto

Owning a car comes with lots of responsibilities, and one of them is buying auto insurance. Simply put, auto insurance is a form of policy that is targeted at protecting car owners against all sorts of costs that come from accidents. With the aid of affordable auto insurance, a car owner does not need any out-of-pocket payments to cope with the costs of any types of car damages.
There are different forms of coverage for car insurance, and they include:
·         Property damage – this coverage offers protection against theft and any sorts of damages to your vehicle
·         Medical payments – this covers treatments of injuries and rehabilitation after treatments. In some cases, costs of funeral or lost wages may also be covered in the insurance
·         Bodily injury liability – this provides coverage for legal responsibility due to damages of properties or injuries to other people
As a form of mandatory insurance, every car owner must have Auto insurance modesto. Therefore, car owners must learn to bargain for the best car insurance that can offer them lower premiums. By getting affordable auto insurance, car owners can enjoy peace of mind while using their vehicles.


What are the factors that determine cheap car insurance premium?

To offer you Cheap insurance modesto, the insurance company will put several factors into consideration. These factors include your age, your driving record, the frequency of using your car, and auto violation records. In many cases, your location, gender, car model and other factors may also be considered.
Based on how favorable these factors are, you can get affordable liability/full coverage insurance for your car. Nevertheless, you can increase the deductibles on your vehicle to get lower premiums even if these factors are against you.


How can you get low cost insurance?

If you would like to get cheap car insurance, here are some things you should do:
·         Do not make hasty decisions when looking for low cost insurance. Take your time to check out and compare the quotes of various insurance companies.
·         Several insurance firms provide discounts on auto insurance for people with good driving records, long-term customers, individuals with multiple insurance policies and so on. Explore the possibility of getting discounts on your car insurance.
·         Take advantage of the pay-per-mile policy to get the best auto insurance. Notably, this is specifically for experienced, safe drivers that do not use their vehicles often.
·         Do not focus on only the big and popular insurance companies; consider the offers of the local insurers. Some of them local insurance firms provide affordable car insurance that will help you mitigate financial or legal problems after car accidents.
·         If you are using an old car, consider avoiding comprehensive coverage. You can also remove collision coverage from your Auto insurance modesto to get cheap car insurance.
·         Lastly, increase your deductibles
Finally, getting affordable car insurance is possible as long as you are ready to spend a little time with an agent from THE SOURCE AUTO INSURANCE and do a little more than others do when looking for auto insurance.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Don’t Miss 15% Extra Discount For 2019 New Year

Don’t Miss 15% Extra Discount For 2019 New Year

That means, if you order over 50 USD, you can get 20% discount at least, if you order $799, you can get 50% discount.😀 , use COUPON: NY15D