Saturday 2 March 2019

Mind your business

Let me start off by acknowledging that everyone does not want to own their own business. I get that, but the purpose of this post is not only to encourage entrepreneurship, but to enable it. What I do is empower people with knowledge, as it is information that changes situations. So, if you never thought about owning your own business, or thought that you could not do it, or did not have what it takes, I ask you…Why?

Hopefully your answer is that you did not know how. That can be fixed, add a little of the right information, and you will be well on your way. If the problem is bigger than that, then we can attend to that on the Personal Development Page, and see what we can do to raise your self esteem, and belief in yourself. For the others, who just do not want to be bothered with running their own business, those who feel just fine working for someone else, let me be the one to tell you…

There is nothing at all wrong with that! No, there is not, not one thing. As a matter of fact I applaud those who can be honest with themselves, as opposed to those who cannot, and just want to follow trends, or do something because someone else is doing it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is not the way to either success, or contentment.

So first..

Define Your Position!

Once you have defined your position, and you know what it is that you want, then let’s get you in the gear for success. The very first thing that you are going to want to have is an idea, a commodity, or a product. A concrete product that people can hold in their hands, or an idea that people can hold in their minds, and benefit from. If you are not being of benefit, then there is some measure of success that you can gain, but it may be fleeting, and it may not fulfill much more than your bank account, if that.

So my advice for long term personal fulfillment, and monetary success, is to find something that is of benefit. So that you can feel good when you leave work, and when you’re grinding through the mundane to get your business off the ground. Knowing that when you connect the A (person) with the B (product), their world is going to be enhanced. That will always leave you feeling great about your accomplishment, and it is a mission that is not hard to get people to be supportive about.

Whatever that looks like to you, that’s what it is…

Disenfranchised to Franchise

For me, my passion is to help the Disenfranchised become Franchise. To realize that they are the most powerful product that they could ever possibly have, and then teach them how to mine that resource, because the brain and the spirit are the gifts that keep on giving. If your mind and your spirit is right then wealth is a constant.

You could take away all of my wealth today, and I will not be hungry tomorrow, because of the power of my mind. Yes. The power of my mental state, coupled with the spirit that I infuse into everything that I do, will not allow me to suffer, for any other purpose than valuable experience and wisdom gained. It just will not happen – ever!

Now, along with the mind and the spirit come another blessing, and this one is physical and second tier, meaning external or outside of you. The mind state, and the spirit, these are internal. The reciprocal effect of these two forces when amplified – are the long term relationships that are forged. See, another reason I will not go hungry is because of the long term relationships, that my heart and my mind (my spirit), have allowed me to be a part of.
When you are genuine, when you want to sincerely help people, not just say you want to help people, people will be of assistance. Your success will be facilitated through others. When you are 100%. Don’t you hate it when someone lies to you…how long does it take you to find out? Not that long at all, right? So be genuine. You will get more respect being honest, than you will from those who support your lie.

So That is Your First Job

Come up with something, some idea, some new product, or a thing to do, that people need and do not have, or cannot get for the same price or quality. There is something that you know how to do, or make, better than anyone else you know. What do you know how to get for pennies on a dollar, from St. Elsewhere, and bring it to the people and add a few cents to it? By all means do that! Create or buy in to a system that has reproducible results.

This is how we get rich, we get rich through supply and demand. Importation and exportation is huge because everywhere simply does not have everything. So if you know where to locate a product that is not commonly available on the market, and you can make it readily accessible for a decent price 24/7, that’s when you take ownership of the voice of the market.

Once you have found your idea…

You need Relationships

Who can point out the man that is an island? Who can truly say that they did every single thing on their own? Even if you know how to get money, 9 times out of 10, you hire people to help you keep it. I know that I would be nowhere near this place had it not been for the kindness and efforts of complete strangers, friends and family.

The Almighty Alliance is the concept that I am referring to. Your alliances. What alliances do you have, what alliances do you need? If you only knew Mr. So and So, wouldn’t you be able to make more progress? If you cultivated a beautiful, mutually supportive relationship with your team, wouldn’t you be able to more effectively complete your task and arrive at another stage of the realization of your dream? Of course you would, we all would.
This is why relationship cultivation is integral to the dream harvest. Think of the interwoven relationship between water and the sun’s light. One evaporates the other. They do not agree on all things, but it takes both of them, working in unison, for us to realize food. Pretty simple concept, is it not?

Shawn Edmontson Coaching service will coach you into realization and utilization of the benefits and importance of cultivating these relationships. Executing workshops, he will educate you as to how to effectively identify, seek out, approach, and initiate the beginning of long lasting, mutually beneficial relationships. Relationships that will take you from the sidelines into the prime time of the game of life – where you want to be!

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